I got to some thinking, butterfly effect style. Yesterday I was walking about town searching for a job to pay the bills since the telemarketing gig was up.
No in fact fuck you, I'll interupt what I was about to say to tell you about that. Apparently now Castle arketing is purely employing on a commission based basis to there which I was told I could make more money If I was good at the job. How the fuck does that work if I was getting paid commission anyway? I need to walk up n see them about the £70 they still owe me for when I was contracted being paid hourly.
tl;dr: imma sue me some bitchaz...
So aye there's this wee active outdoor shop advertising staff and supervisor position so I went inside to find out what the dealio was. She asked whether I was going for the staff or supervisor job, I lolled, maybe I looked like a supervisor...I mean I did get dressed yesterday - It's Dundee it surely can't be that hard to get high up in the promotion ladder considering the prominance of half bred dribble Sians.
So I asked for the staff position told her my situation and handed in my CV and that was that nothing exciting there. But what if...
Imagine as I was walking in and a person bolted out the door and the shopkeeper yelled thief. If I grabbed the wee scumbag (called humans in Dundee?!?!?!?) and manged to get the stolen item back do you think I would have got the job right there. I'd like to think so. So thanks a bunch Dundee...when I need you to be scummy you aren't. I mean what iis your problem? You've probably lost me a potential job now.
Dick >: (
Yay I'm going snowboarding this weekend, hope my leg is ok by then...