Thursday, 30 April 2009

Quicktime no fucking about console wars...


  • Achievements are addictive
  • Easy enjoyable live experience with personal profiles
  • Lots of customization with wireless mics, wireless addapters, colored joypads
  • Great exclusives such as: Saints row, fable, gears of war, halo and mass effect
  • Live arcade allows many  old school games revamped in hd with new content
  • Exclusive dlc content like lost and damned for gta 4 and dlc for fallout 3

  • Extremely noisey with fans
  • Low life expectancy with consoles prone to scratching games, red rigning and constantly overheating
  • Costly xbox live and microsoft points for ancient retro games that can be easily emulated on pc
  • Disc tray prone to jamming
  • Huge power brick and plasticy casing


  • Free online
  • Glossy design is futuristic and appealing
  • Winning next gen blu ray dvd format capable of storing much more date for games and being the cheapest blu ray player on the market
  • Almost silent when running games
  • Great exclusives like: MGS 4, uncharted, singstar, LBP and gran turismo

  • Trophies are a cheap knock off of achievements and dont feel as earned and worth getting as achievements on 360
  • Consoles dont come with any sort of mic so most online gaming tends to be silent
  • The stupid cushioned triggers on the controller??!?!?!?
  • Losing exclusive franchises like final fantasy 13 and tekken 6 to the 360
  • Controlers not using batteries so needing charged with a wire constantly


  • Motion control work fantasticly with res 4 making a great game even better
  • Innovation in games with mario kart steering wheel and wii fit step tool
  • Games like tiger woods ' 10 have a weather recognition programme so golf courses u play have the actual weather of the day your playing it
  • Playing old school nintendo games again

  • Complicated to play with friends online
  • No chat support online
  • Perifferols chew through batteries
  • Games are not the the fuller standard of 360 and ps3 hd graphics
  • Stupid gimmicky controler only makes u want to play game for a short time before wanting to not interact and just sit with a normal controller playing a game without flailing about
  • Exclusive games rely on old franchise remakes like:  zelda, mario galaxy, metroid 3, mario kart, smash bros
  • Few mature games appart from mad world, res 4 and manhunt 2

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Where is your god now America

So, I'm bored at 3am nothing to do but randomly trawl the Internet to accidentally come across something funny possibly?

When this:

I mean wtf. thank god for the horizon, thank Jesus our lord for helping us have enough money to go to the grand canyon during spring break. If your faith is in god so much maybe you should have spent all your money and a miracle would have supported 500 dollars to go the grand canyon instead. Why don't you have faith in yourself instead of hiding behind a delusive entity you ignorant self deprecating dumb fucks. Have your faith sure whatever but don't spout shite like it was the lords work that saved who ever in hospital when there a far clearer methological answer.

The spread of god is evident throughout American politics through George Bush's past speeches to the dollar bill itself

Maybe I'm an acting cynic atheist but it's just common sense that everything happens for a physiological and mathematical reason. Faith is a belief in hope not an escape goat for supernatural happenings.

So naturally I made this to spite the stupid bitch that provoked this rant -

An uninspired blog

I want to write more blogs but I don't have much to say or at least not enough to say about any particular topic.

Mexican swine flu as a global epidemic? Well I tend to not come across many Mexicans anyway and if i were to go on holiday i wouldn't choose Mexico. I mean there are pigs in every country but only Mexicans would make a disease out of them...fucking drama queens

Now around the age of 13/teenhood boys including myself think fuck it...guitar is the way forward, it makes a cool noise that makes girls pee themselves and makes you look talented. The thing is when you go to try it out it harder than necrophiliac in Mexico. The secret is you don't need to know all the crazy as solos to impress and play EXPERT GOLD STAR DRAGONFORCE doesn't mean you can challenge Tom Morello to a dual...the prick. Anyway, this explain all you 
really need to know before giving up and doing something more worthwhile like joining the war on terror or fearing the recession:

BTW check out Fear 2: Project origin, just completed it today and its really quite good. Can get now for about £25 new and it's got a long single player where a creep Ring-esque girl rapes you and her babies try and kill you, much like current Emerdale with bad boy Cain returning and stirring shit up...


Saturday, 25 April 2009

Starting to record myself

I think a little self surveillance is upon high time. I mean we all waste money as it comes and since I have an ongoing salary weekly i tend to blow my money weekly on shit I don't need. So this summer I'm going to post every I buy and how much it cost but also if it really or needed or just impulse (endlesssporadicshopping) buying.

Today I went to the hotel to collect my wages which unfortunately weren't there , so I phoned Craig my boss up and he came from his house to come and give me £78...*cue ff7 battle win theme* My boss is sound which is why i think he took time out of his day off to see me...cause I'm cool...n stuff...

So I headed into Elgin time limiting due to working at 6pm. It was currently 3pm and it takes 45 mins to get to Elgin...It felt like the fucking Italian job, except with no mini or a mini Matt daemon joke...

I was originally gonna buy Chronicles of riddick dark athena but ign gave it a shit review so instead in my hurry i decided to buy a cool looking watch for £70 reduced from £200 twoooooooooooo huuuuuuuundred? 

Yes, two hundred.

I also searched around for a specific book relevant to studying for my exams "A peoples history of the world" asking the girl in the book shop to search for it was dire. She couldn't find it on log so she searched the INTERNETS...most people know there is no girls on the internets so this was like femme fatal inventing fire except she was reaaaaaaaaallly retarded...

I left whilst she was searching...

I went to another shop n bought a sociology book for £30 which is extortionate but it has 900 pages so i guess my brain wins...

Total money spent = £100
  • Watch - £70
  • Book - £30

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Broken Computer?

So I've had to transfer my online over all my online trust over to Google Chrome since firefox has started being a dick and crashing everytime I try and save a picture. First things first, wheres the search bar :'( scary...I noticed there's a incognito browsing function for going on the net undetected by history logs which is fine n dandy for kids going on their parents computers not wanting to get caught on porn but this is my computer and I'll be damned if I have to be forced to become more private.

My computers a wee bit messy as well so I've decided to clean it up n folderise things and delete uneeded shit whilst listening to radio one. Incidently, apparently Chris Moyles is leaving which sucks as he really is the only reason to listen to radio one...don't make him go on tv more...he sucks in that region.

Look at my nice n shiny tidy desktop :)