Tuesday, 28 April 2009

An uninspired blog

I want to write more blogs but I don't have much to say or at least not enough to say about any particular topic.

Mexican swine flu as a global epidemic? Well I tend to not come across many Mexicans anyway and if i were to go on holiday i wouldn't choose Mexico. I mean there are pigs in every country but only Mexicans would make a disease out of them...fucking drama queens

Now around the age of 13/teenhood boys including myself think fuck it...guitar is the way forward, it makes a cool noise that makes girls pee themselves and makes you look talented. The thing is when you go to try it out it harder than necrophiliac in Mexico. The secret is you don't need to know all the crazy as solos to impress and play EXPERT GOLD STAR DRAGONFORCE doesn't mean you can challenge Tom Morello to a dual...the prick. Anyway, this explain all you 
really need to know before giving up and doing something more worthwhile like joining the war on terror or fearing the recession:

BTW check out Fear 2: Project origin, just completed it today and its really quite good. Can get now for about £25 new and it's got a long single player where a creep Ring-esque girl rapes you and her babies try and kill you, much like current Emerdale with bad boy Cain returning and stirring shit up...


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